Solivium Dev Blog: Week 5

This week was a good one, I managed to work on some features that in my opinion are starting to shape the game. I just passed the first month milestone of development. Here’s what I’ve done:

This Week’s Highlights

  • Character Creation Screen: Players can now create their character by:
    • Entering a custom name.
    • Allocating 50 points between Strength, Defense, Agility, Intelligence, and Charisma (more stats may be added later).
    • Selecting a class: Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Cleric, Ranger, Bard, Chemist, or Monk. Each class provides extra stat points and starting gear.
  • Leveling Up System: A new screen allows players to allocate additional points to their stats upon leveling up.
  • City Tiles and Scene Management: Added a city sprite and laid the groundwork for switching between different game scenes while keeping the world persistent.
  • Bug Fixes & Memory Leaks: Continued improving game stability by fixing memory leaks and addressing various bugs.

Screenshots and Previews

Tileset for the first town
Character creation
Level up screen

What’s Next?

For the upcoming week, I’ll focus on expanding the world and interactions:

  • Designing the First Town: Creating the first explorable town.
  • Entering and Exiting Towns: Implementing scene transitions between the overworld and towns.
  • Adding NPCs: Introducing NPCs with basic movement patterns.
  • Quaffing Potions: Allowing the player to consume potions directly from the inventory.

Final Thoughts

Thank you for following along with the development journey! Stay tuned for next week’s update as Solivium continues to evolve!

2 responses to “Solivium Dev Blog: Week 5”

  1. Requinnzious Avatar

    I like how the character creation is all on one screen. The menus are easy to understand, details like showing what equipment classes can use for example is definitely a QoL step up from old CRPGs. Keep it up Camilo

    1. Camilo Ramirez Avatar
      Camilo Ramirez

      Thank you! I really appreciate the kind words. I wanted to keep character creation intuitive while still offering depth, so I’m glad to hear the UI feels clear and easy to use. I’m also aiming to improve QoL aspects without losing that old-school CRPG charm.

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